538 MRR Rd., Manila Mahogany Compound, Brgy. Manggahan, Pasig City
12:24 Cargo Contact Number(s):
+632 748-1229, +63 917-548-1224
Email: info@1224cargo.com
538 MRR Rd., Manila Mahogany Compound, Brgy. Manggahan, Pasig City
+632 748-1229, +63 917-548-1224
Email: info@1224cargo.com
Tracking 0049863
Where is my box?
Tracking 040042
why no one answers the calls ? ur web site too always says ‘NO DATA’
I sent 6 boxes for Kathrina C. Perolina of Calamba , Laguna with invoice #6548 last Sept.17,2022 When are my 6boxes be deliver?
you can not shier this ether
they will not answers you the same with me
they never do
and you can not shier this on Facebook